Thursday, May 7, 2020

Online GIS Training Courses

The combined duration of all GIS courses 28hr 25min. If you spend 1hr daily, you will be expert in GIS within 28 days.
Even you will be able to do a complete GIS Project within one Day if works continuously. All courses are designed in such a way that you will feel GIS is too comfortable. Even Larger simulation of Hydrology will be just like the word for you.
Basic of GIS and Remote Sensing: This course is scientifically designed you no need to put a load on your brain to understand typically task, Just by watching the video, you will understand an advance concept. Many of you demanded to make a course on Basic of GIS data. As we face problems in handling shapefiles and data handling, Mosaic of the satellite image, NDVI, Handling advance data, cutting study area. Increasing image resolution and even making research-ready layouts. So here is the course.
Duration 11hr 7min

Land use land cover classification in Depth Learn from scratch from data download to landuse change detection, How to improve images, How to classify bad pixels manually. Post landuse classification process, Accuracy assessment, you will also learn many of Basic GIS tools also. Supervised, Unsupervised and Combined method are covered. You will receive more accuracy in the combined method for even bad quality terrain.
Duration 5hr 13min

ArcSWAT Tutorial - Learn Watershed Simulation and working with weather data in GIS, In this course you will learn ungauged catchment water flow simulation in  Cubic Meter Per Second [m³/s] , groundwater recharge in watershed,  Sediment at outlet, Water yield, water quality, Curve number, Soils, Hydrological cycle parameters of watershed and many more advance output as you think. Duration 4hr 12min

Groundwater Potential Zones : In this course you will learn how to use landuse, DEM and Weather data. By generating stream density. Mosaic of DEM. How to run overlay analysis on multiple data set and many basic task of GIS like download  of weather data, convert to GIS. You will also learn ow to calculate water level fluctuation and generate map. You ca use same tutorial for Drought, site suitability or any other theme also, even this method applicable to Flood risk zones.
Duration 3hr 49min

Prediction of Future Landuse: In this course you will learn how to generate future landuse maps with GIS. How to use present data and simulate urban growth to future. How to validate predicted results. How to Modify image Matrix to get desire results. This method use, MLP and Machine learning based method. No single line code required. Only requirement is you must have well classified two satellite image with accuracy more than 80%, Rest of things covered in this course. Its so much easy then you think you just need Terrset and ArcGIS.
Duration 4hr 4min

Friday, April 10, 2020

Basic GIS Course ArcGIS -Erdas - Remote Sensing

So, Many of you demanded to make a course on Basic of GIS data. As we face problems in handling shapefiles and data handling, Mosaic of the satellite image, NDVI, Handling advance data, cutting study area. Increasing image resolution and even making research-ready layouts. So here is the course.
During this period many of you has missed GIS Practical classes also, so it covers that all.  You will become an expert by the end of this typical time.
The course is scientifically designed you no need to put a load on your brain to understand typically task, Just by watching the video, you will understand an advance concept.
Topics of 110 video lectures of 11 hr.
  1. Introduction
  2. software used
  3. Projection System
  4. What is Geo-referencing
  5. Software used and Notice
  6. About
  7. Raster or Vector understanding
  8. Connecting to Drive
  9. Connecting to Folder
  10. GEOREF
  11. Find UTM Zone
  12. Re-Project Data
  13. Creating basic shape
  14. Saving MXD
  15. Two Polygon with same boundary
  16. snapping
  17. cut polygon
  18. join Polygon
  19. Attribute intro
  20. Defining attributes
  21. Application of Attribute
  22. Point Shapefile
  23. line shape files
  24. symbology
  25. displaying Attribute data
  26. Area Calculation
  27. displaying two labels
  28. KM SQURE
  29. length calculation
  30. calculating lat long of point
  31. download and cut shapefile
  32. cut shape with shape
  33. Base map and GeoRef verify with sat image
  34. QGIS Download
  35. Download Open Street Maps
  36. Converting OSM to Shapefiles
  37. Geodatabase and Feature class
  38. WMS connection
  39. Understanding satellite
  40. Satellite move
  41. Landsat band info site
  43. processing of satellite image ArcGIS
  44. Manual Processing in ArcGIS
  45. Do not delete this files
  46. Stacking in Erdas
  47. Compare image processing of ArcGIS and Erdas and process image
  48. setting up No Data Erdas
  49. Before Mosaic
  50. Mosaicking
  51. Increasing image resolution
  52. intro to improve image quality
  53. Filters
  54. Intro to cut satellite image
  55. cut in ArGIS
  56. cut shape in Erdas
  57. cut with aoi erdas
  58. downloading 10 meter image
  59. Processing of 10 meter data
  60. Downloading of DEM
  61. What is DEM
  62. mosaic dem
  63. represent dem
  64. contours
  65. DEM Reproject
  66. slope aspect hill shade
  67. Viewshed
  68. fill
  69. Flow direction
  70. Flowacc
  71. Drainage
  72. Stream to feature
  73. Stream Order
  74. Drainage Density
  75. Watershed drainage cut
  76. Cut dem with watershed
  77. Solar Radiation calculation
  78. 3D intro
  79. Basic 3D view
  80. Satellite image drop over 3D DEM
  81. Drop More layer in 3D Drainage
  82. Export 3D animation to video
  83. Volume calculation tools intro
  84. Surface volume - reservoir volume
  85. Creating spot volume shape
  86. DEM to TIN
  87. Spot volume calculation reservoir volume
  88. Understanding Excel Sheet for GIS
  89. Plotting data from excel to ArcGIS
  90. Creating thiessen polygon updated
  91. Interpolation Intro
  92. Interpolation any Data
  93. Make grid extract value
  94. Removing NoData using query from point features
  95. NDVI Intro
  96. NDVI Generation in ArcGIS
  97. download and process monthly rainfall data
  98. Adding Band from large file with excel trick
  99. Processing interpolation and cutting rainfall data
  100. buffer zones
  101. image to image GeoRef intro
  102. image to image GeoRef intro
  103. Google earth to ArcGIS
  104. collecting GPS points with Android phone with accuracy
  105. Android GPS to Shapefile
  106. Layout like research papers
  107. Multiple layout
  108. Saving maps export
  109. so the next
  110. Mini project

Monday, December 30, 2019

Complete GIS Course from scratch to Advance

This course covers data processing in an advance way and solving general GIS problems.
Discounted already applied to links.
All are discounted links.
In this course, you will also learn
· Groundwater Potential Zones using.
· Site suitability
· This also covers Flood Zones
· Drought Zones
· Groundwater Fluctuation Maps.
· Like Using Excel Data in ArcGIS,
· Plotting Maps,
· Classify the various type of Data.
· Handling CDF files etc.
· Working with excel data in ArcGIS
· Digital elevation model analysis
· Watershed

In this course, you will learn
· How to generate future landuse maps using past landuse
· Power impacting landuse and use in Terrset
· Getting data ready for Future Prediction
· Running of CA Markov Model
· See power of Machine learning in Action

In this course you will learn
· Simulation of water flow in stream
· Daily Weather data including,
· Working with Temperature, rainfall, humidity, solar radiation
· Groundwater recharge.
· Making of Soil map of your study Area
· Extracting soil Properties
· DEM Mosiac
· Use of Landuse data in Model
· Soil Erosion at outlet

In this course you will learn
This course starts from Google Search to Final Results
· Covers basic of Image processing and data download
· Landuse land cover classification
· Supervised
· Unsupervised
· Combined classification
· Pixel Re-coding
· Correction Hill shade land feature
· Understanding satellite image and identifying features
· Accuracy Assessment
· Change Detection

In this course, you will learn
This course starts from Georeferencing to Advance GIS - 11hrs
· Covers all basics of GIS 
· Understanding of Projection system
· Handling Raster and Vector data
· Basics of GIS digitization in depth
· Basics of all analysis
· All task of Image processing including mosaic 
· Working with 10-meter data
· Working with Survey data
· Weather data
· Using queries in GIS

· DEM - volume and 3D
· 3D animation in GIS
· Making publication-ready maps.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Remote Sensing and GIS Tutorial

Groundwater Potential Zones: - In this course you will also learn site suitability analysis to identify anything whichever you like. This Project focus on Groundwater Potential Zones using this Method. This also covers Flood Zones and Drought Zones from Same data. If you have observed data then it also covers to Generate Groundwater fluctuation Maps. You will learn many Advanced task of GIS from Scratch. Like Using Excel Data in ArcGIS, Plotting Maps, Classify various type of Data. Hendeling CDF files etc.
Future Land Use Map Generation (Urban): - It is based on past land use, Factor affecting land use change, Factor like distance from roads, Cities, DEM, Growth pattern Conversion probability of Agriculture to Urban.  You will learn to implement this everything to your land use using Machine Learning and CA Markov Method - No Coding required, If you are able to make land use maps then you are able to do this also. Just basic knowledge of GIS is required.
ArcSWAT Watershed Simulation : This course covers complete Simulation of water flow in stream. It use Daily Weather data including, temperature, rainfall, humidity, solar radiation and much more. You can use this for Estimation of Power potentials based on discharge, Watershed management or in Irrigation purpose to estimate incoming water. This course also covers Groundwater recharge. Soil Properties identification and much more.
Land Use Land Cover Classification: Most of you are already enrolled in Land use land cover classification. I always updating this course whenever some new change is happen in GIS. In This course you learn Image Procession from Scratch, This covers image enhancement, Various image classification Methods, Land Use change detection and area calculation from pixels. This course covers pixel level editing to correct bad classification pixel in image, like forest in Hill shade, or Barren land appears like Urban. You can also look on this continuous updating course.
Click on Any of Bold Text Title above to access.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Best Laptop for Heavy GIS Task

Some time we buy costly laptop for GIS task and image processing, with Good process as shown by Showroom Boys, But after spending much of money we find its performance is same as old laptop and slow even after i7 and 16gb RAM, But There is something that they hide from you,

Here are point that we missed while purchase. 

  • Your laptop processor may be fast but not the hard disk
  • You get 16gb Ram but ts slow speed,
  • HDD response rate is slow
  • Laptop without SSD.
  • Having wifi but not 802.11ac , later you get slow internet on fiber connection. 
  • Having HD screen 1080, but lower contrast ratio. 
So this configuration seem to high but at end you will get low speed laptop, Because processor will slow down if Hard drive is slow. 

So, Here is laptop with faster SSD Drive which read data upto 3gbps and write also 3gbps. It has faster ram then traditional ram, It has 2 Hard drive, One for C drive and other for Other works, This make it faster then your thinking, I will boot in just 5 seconds. SO have A look on this. 

ASUS Rog Strix Core i7 8th Gen 15.6-inch Laptop (16GB/1TB+256GB SSD/Windows 10/4GB Graphics/Black Metal/2.6kg), GL503GE-EN038T

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Estimation of Groundwater Potential Zones using GIS and Remote Sensing

Estimation of Groundwater potential zone using GIS is and very easy work. Even Just basic knowledge of GIS is Required. You Just need to know to concept how it works and how to take that work from form GIS data. Groundwater Potential zone is just an estimate of possible location of water availability. But it does not tell the water depth. But if you want to know monitor changes in water depth in this case you need to work with actual data and plot that data in GIS. You can also calculate water level changes and location by using GIS if you have observation data. Groundwater Required few layers like Land Use, Rainfall, Soil, Drainage density,  DEM, Even number of layers is not limited you can use any number of layer as per information available, like Geomorphology also. This project is sometime given to Master of PhD students. But actually this is work of Just one day if you have good internet connection and ability to work Just 8 hrs continuous. Only write up will take time. So here is step by step Video tutorial is available for this project. It covers from data downloading to final results, Even the same tutorial covers Drought and Flood risk zone also, because it use same data.  High Quality GIS contents are not free, But too cheap also as 10$. If you learn GIS offline this will cost you thousand of dollars and at last you not have single video of course. You purely depend on you notebook. But if everything is available in video you can do it better, watch any step anytime rewind it. So All reading this post have access to this course using special link. Below this post. 
  • Successfully identify Groundwater Potential Zones
  • Also Drought prone Area analysis
  • Flood Risk map
  • Working with Rainfall Data
  • Generate Soil Map and identify Soil Properties
  • Delineate Watershed
  • Drainage Density and Drainage Maps
  • Mosaic of Digital Elevation Model
  • Area Calculation from Pixels
  • Data Interpolation
  • Adding Data from Excel to GIS Environment
  • Perform GIS data calculations
  • Tool used for Site suitability analysis
  • Working with CDF file and data Extraction, Map Generation, Calculation,
  • Data Reclassification
  • Generate Fluctuation maps to identify Good Aquifer.
  • Data Reproject
  • Calculation with Raster Data
  • Data management in GIS
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
  • Basic GIS
  • Must have Landuse image
  • You must have ArcGIS any Version
Who this course is for:
  • GIS Student
  • GIS Professionals
  • Professors
  • Scientists
  • Master Student of Remote Sensing and GIS
  • PhD Research Scholars
  • Groundwater Exploration Engineers
  • Irrigation Engineers
  • Water Resource Engineers
  • Students of WRDM
  • Govt. Policy Makers
  • Ministry of Earth Science

Groundwater Potential Zones using GIS

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How to Predict future landuse using GIS

Prediction of future landuse is an easy task. You Just know basic of GIS. Let's Think how urban area will grow. 
Growth Depends on Some factors as:

  1. Distance between two cities
  2. Distance from Roads
  3. Elevation of City
  4. Near to outer area of city
  5. Trend of change from Agriculture to Urban, or Forest to Urban
  6. The actual landuse
  7. Rate of change
We can predict future landuse in two ways, Using Regression model or By CA Markov Method with Machine learning approach to solve complex problems. 

So CA Markov is best to predict with MLP and Neural Network approach. This way we train our model with 50% learning and 50% testing approach. But any learning accuracy between 40% to 70% will provide accurate results. It depends upon how we are getting output results. Each time after modification check results by comparing to real landuse if it matches at least 70% then continue to predict for future.  All task are too easy some work need to do in ArcGIS and some in Terrset Model. Both are NOT open source.

If you want to see in Detail Click Here to Know More

See in Video Below How it works. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Learn ArcSWAT Model Watershed Simulation using GIS - Complete Tutorial

ArcSWAT is Watershed simulation model in GIS. It uses weather and climate data to calculate water flow at outlet Watershed. Its very Easy also. Most of Research paper accepted who used SWAT Hydrological Model. It works with ArcGIS 10.1-10.4.  It used to calculate water flow for ungauged catchments.  Never think simulation is difficult, if learn in proper way its like Just Word. Surprise your friends by Publishing a Good paper. 
In this course you will learn other related advance task of GIS also, like preparation of Soil Map, Mosaic of DEM etc.
  • Discharge in Cubic meter Per Second at Watershed outlet, Daily Monthly and yearly
  • Watershed and Sub-watershed delineation using SWAT
  • Configure SWAT model for any Area in World
  • Groundwater Recharge
  • Sediment at outlet (Soil Erosion)
  • Water Yield
  • Preparation of Soil Map and DEM Mosaic for large Watershed
  • Water Quality
  • Simulation of Daily Data
  • Data preparation for SWAT
  • Updating SWAT Database
  • Understanding advance task of Simulation
  • Working with daily data and working without data
  • Configure Data set for India
  • Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
  • Watershed Simulation
  • Successfully run The SWAT Model
  • Preparation of Soil Map of Any country
Link to Course:

Monday, July 16, 2018

Join US on Facebook for More GIS

Remote Sensing and GIS Technology
Facebook Group · 1,695 members
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This is group for GIS Discussion. You can Post your Tutorials - courses or ask any GIS related questions. We will answer.