Friday, January 27, 2017

Download SWAT FAO world soil database

Most of User in world facing problem with SWAT soil database. But SWAT only Provide soil database for US only. For Non-US we need to compile or update original database.  In Asia or India most of us has this common problem during swat simulation. Configuring Soil database is time taking process because we need to know about each soil properties and location. But  Dr. Kerem Gungor resolved this problem and processed SWAT database for us. All Process required to process is Explained here. You can also download SWAT database from here link provided below and replace your original SWAT database in your PC at "C:\SWAT\ArcSWAT\Databases" and rename original database to old as shown in Figure. SWAT database is in ZIP format. Download and Extract to this provided location. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Download HEC-GeoHMS for ArcGIS 10.3

If your are searching for  HEC GeoHMS for ArcGIS 10.3 then you are at right place. Now HEC GeoHMS will be no longer available on official site.  But it is shifted to ESRI Ftp site. Click below to download it from ESRI Ftp Site. Direct Download. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Download India Shapefile with official India Boundary

You find many site on internet but they all have some part of one Indian state is missing. So We processed it for you. You can download official India map from Given link and do all Step as Shown in video. 
Link to Download 

While you are making for your study area you can use this map. But don't forget to add our site link in your references.

Friday, January 13, 2017

How to Convert Landsat 8 DN to Surface Temperature

You can easily convert Landsat 8 Thermal Band 11 to Surface temperature in Degree. All Process Explained HERE follow Step by Step Instructions to Process it. Make model in ArcGIS, MatLAB or in Erdas.