Friday, March 4, 2016

Calculation of Slope Length Factor LS Factor in ArcGIS

where A[r] is upslope contributing area per unit contour width, b [deg] is the slope, m and n are parameters, and a0 = 22.1m = 72.6ft is the length and b0 = 0.09 = 9% = 5.16deg is the slope of the standard USLE plot. The values of m (=0.6) and n (=1.3) were empirically derived.

The LS factor was then computed using Raster Calculator in ArcGIS to build an expression for estimating LS, based on flow accumulation and slope steepness.

The expression is:
In older Veriosn of ArcGIS as Follow: upto 9.3

(([flowacc] * resolution/22.1).Pow(0.6))*(((([slope]*0.01745).Sin)/0.09).Pow(1.3))*1.6

New Version of ArcGIS from 10.1 to Present as Follow

Power(("%flowacc%") * 30 / 22.1,0.6)*Power(Sin("%slope_deg%") * 0.01745 / 0.09,1.3)*1.6

where Pow (which then means power) is a function in the ArcGIS spatial Analyst

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Live Earth From Space HD (CAM-2)

The Live Earth experiment by NASA. Lest Enjoy Live Earth in Your PC. (CAM-2)

Link to CAM-1

Live Earth HD From Space (CAM-1)

International Space Station has Equipped with Earth Viewing HD cameras to See Earth Live. This is in Experimental mode. Sometime Live Stream may not be available due to Signal Problem in space, or Space station at Dark Side of Earth, Sometime Astronauts switching Live camera.. Notification will be displayed for such events. See Live video of Earth below.

Link to CAM-2

Friday, October 30, 2015

List of GIS Topics for M.Tech or Ph.D Project

  1. Land use and Land cover analysis and Change detection. Even future Prediction.
  2. Change analysis of cost line using past data of satellites and find relation between climate change sea level rise.
  3. Impact of Climate change on Groundwater.
  4. Analysis of Groundwater Potential Zones using Remote Sensing and GIS, Using Geology, soil, strata chart, DEM data. Total 22 Layers approx. to run analysis.
  5. Network Mapping, Shortest route, Digital database of route for GPS tracking Device.
  6. Development of GIS Data Hosting Server.
  7. Flood Risk mapping, Identification of Danger zones and damage.
  8. Identification of Hydropower Sites Using DEM and model development for different criteria.
  9. Mapping of Normal and Abnormal route of cyclone and its damage assessment using past data and future prediction.
  10. Soil Erosion and Sediment Modelling using GIS
  11. Identification sites for solar power plant using solar radiation analysis and cloud cover analysis considering earth curvature.
  12. Identification of Minerals using Erdas Material Mapping, e.g. amount of Iron, Zinc in Soil.
  13. Develop a web application using ArcGIS Engine/Server
  14. Requried Software :- ArcGIS , Erdas,ENVI, IDRISI 
  15. Estimate of crop yield of different crops by relating NDVI crop Health Index over a Study area and develop a suitable model. It considers time series data for different crop and different season.
  16. City Heat Centre mapping Using Thermal Data and also thermal mapping for different seasons and mark safe and unsafe zones when Air temperature reaches upper limit.
  17. Natural Forest loss Mapping by relation climate change data
  18. Impact of Thermal Power Plant on Surrounding Environment. It uses Wind Direction, Temperature data, Land use data Before Thermal Plant and after thermal plant and compare surrounding environment temperature NDVI, Land Changes etc.
  19. Perform Watershed analysis of and area, find runoff, Drainage Density, Suitability of area for irrigation project, Risk and safe zone mapping by comparing soil data and rainfall data.
  20. Glacial Melt analysis and its factor, e.g. change of snowline with time, and Prediction when it melts fully with suitable Mathematical model.
  21. Mapping of Humidity by collecting Ground data, for different month and its impact on different crops and vegetation.
  22. Traffic jam analysis using GIS, using traffic data, mark locations on road where possibility of traffic jam is possible if n/Number of vehicle cross per minute, and suggest suitable suggestion or development of new rout and its path for prevent jam. 
  23. Watershed simulation and discharge estimation it use ArcSWAT 
  24. Identification of best places for construction of DAM in Mountain region. This use Swat Model, Dem, Rainfall data and Multi-watershed. 
  25. Identification of heat land in urban area. This use thermal band of throughout year. For summer and winter, even each month. At last you will be able to draw annual average surface temperature map and classify results. 
  26. Impact of climate change on Water flow. This use ArcSWAT and climate data, Data of IMD.
Last Update April  2018

So you have decided your topic it's time to learn Advance GIS

Sometime barren land has same appeared as urban area, Rivers are dry that appears as barren land. Even after final land use we think to add new class. But cannot add. Sometime forest in Hill shade area and appear black. Learn this all Everything how does with New Methods. More than Supervised classification and Get 90% Accuracy. Also learn how to do change detection. Like if urban area is increasing the how much area it takes from Agriculture or Forest, How Landuse is changing w.r.t Each class. Calculate are in Km, or Pixels. Lastly do accuracy report. Learn this everything. Only for LinkedIn offer who reading this post. This is already discounted link. Lear at your time. No time bound. Enrol now and watch more than 5 hrs step and your time.  You will also get valid certificate also.
ArcSWAT is an watershed simulation model. Used for watershed, Water resource planning, Planning of Hydropower projects. It typical model to run with ArcGIS , Most of people facing error in SWAT Model. So, I have created a complete unofficial tutorial of SWAT model with ArcGIS. In this I covered Data download to final results. This include data preparation of SWAT model in Depth. Configuring swat model from scratch. I demonstrated using A live study area, from zero. I also covered custom data set for other countries to prepare for which no data is available, including preparation of soil maps. I covered to remove common error in weather data also. How to read output. How to manual configure inside SWAT model

Friday, August 14, 2015

How to Hide whatsapp Video from Video From Gallery

Whatsapp की विडियो को  गैलरी से कैसे छुपायें 

  1. ES File Explorer डाउनलोड करें 
  2. फ़ोन मेमोरी के Whatsapp के मीडिया फोल्डर में जाएँ 
  3. प्लस के निशान पे क्लिक करें 
  4. न्यू फाइल में .nomedia फाइल बनायें 
  5. ये फाइल अब जिस भी फोल्डर में होगी वो फ़ोन की गैलरी में नहीं दिखेगा 
अधिक जानकारी के लिए निचे विडियो में डेमो देखें |