Saturday, March 19, 2016

3D Printing Benifits for GIS and Other

3D Printing gives us New Era of Visualization and analysis of Real World items. You can Now Print your Digital Elevation Model using this. Its accuracy is much higher then human being. Beside this you can Design and Print anything any component in 3D. Which may be A teeth or A part of Body even of Car almost anything. For making it Use Single Material Like Plastic or two set of plastic of Different color, or Even iron of Gold also.  it takes 4 to 5 hrs to make item depnding on your choice. See of 3D printing.

A Computer that Moves Real Chess Paw and Play Physical Chess With you.

What if Computer do some Extra out form Your LED Screen. it may be amazing. Hers its possible by automatic chess playing Machine. Its moves your chess paw like human. Concept comes from small sensor below each paw and and below chess board, Below chess board there is magnet that using coordinate system and connected to computer to monitor your each chess moves. its nearly about impossible to win from this computer. Have a Look in Below video.

Friday, March 11, 2016

How to create Polygon Inside Polygon in ArcGIS ArcMap

Its Very Easy

  1. Turn on Editing
  2. Turn on Snap to Sketch
  3. Use Cut Polygon to Create Polygon Inside Polygon 
Watch This Video For More

Sunday, March 6, 2016

ESRI Launched ArcGIS Earth vs Google Earth

ESRI is new to ArcGIS Earth. It has better resolution images than google earth, but it has much less option compare to Google Earth. Most of images in ArcGIS Earth are better then Google Earth, but short of Photosphere and street view. its GUI is much interactive. Thus they are new here and its version 1.0 just beginning. Download below and have a try. 

See image Quality Demo in this Video

Friday, March 4, 2016

Calculation of Slope Length Factor LS Factor in ArcGIS

where A[r] is upslope contributing area per unit contour width, b [deg] is the slope, m and n are parameters, and a0 = 22.1m = 72.6ft is the length and b0 = 0.09 = 9% = 5.16deg is the slope of the standard USLE plot. The values of m (=0.6) and n (=1.3) were empirically derived.

The LS factor was then computed using Raster Calculator in ArcGIS to build an expression for estimating LS, based on flow accumulation and slope steepness.

The expression is:
In older Veriosn of ArcGIS as Follow: upto 9.3

(([flowacc] * resolution/22.1).Pow(0.6))*(((([slope]*0.01745).Sin)/0.09).Pow(1.3))*1.6

New Version of ArcGIS from 10.1 to Present as Follow

Power(("%flowacc%") * 30 / 22.1,0.6)*Power(Sin("%slope_deg%") * 0.01745 / 0.09,1.3)*1.6

where Pow (which then means power) is a function in the ArcGIS spatial Analyst