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Basic to Advance Remote Sensing and
GIS (With Smart Work) : Basic is the starting point of an project. If basics
are not clear then many of us face problems in last stage of project, such as
to modify data. This course is scientifically designed you no need to
put a load on your brain to understand typically task, Just by watching the
video, you will understand an advance concept. Many of you demanded to make a
course on Basic of GIS data. As we face problems in handling shapefiles and
data handling, Mosaic of the satellite image, NDVI, Handling advance
data, cutting study area. Increasing image resolution and even making
research-ready layouts. So here is the course.
Duration 11hr 7min
Land use land cover
classification with Machine Learning and all GIS Soft, No Coding – Learn from scratch from data download to land
use change detection, How to improve images, How to classify bad pixels
manually. Post landuse classification process, Accuracy assessment, you will
also learn many of Basic GIS tools also. Supervised, Unsupervised and Combined
method are covered. You will receive more accuracy in the combined method for
even bad quality terrain. This course cover landuse with Machine Learning
Method also, such as Support Vector Machinic and Random Forest.
Duration 6hr 22min
Arc SWAT Tutorial watershed
Flow simulation: This course covers ungauged catchment water flow
simulation in Cubic Meter Per
Second [m³/s] , groundwater recharge in
watershed, Sediment at outlet, Water
yield, water quality, Curve number, Soils, Hydrological cycle parameters of
watershed and many more advance output as you think. You not to go anywhere
to collect rainfall data, or soil data. Everything is explained, You will be
able to complete project just from your room. You will know how to use excel
weather data in GIS.
Duration 4hr 12min
Groundwater Potential Zones
: In this course you will learn how to use landuse, DEM and Weather data. By
generating stream density. Mosaic of DEM. How to run overlay analysis on
multiple data set and many basic task of GIS like download of weather data, convert to GIS. You will
also learn ow to calculate water level fluctuation and generate map. You can
use same tutorial for Drought, site suitability or any other theme also,
even this method applicable to Flood risk zones.
Duration 3hr 49min
Prediction of Future
Landuse: In this course you will learn how to generate future landuse maps
with GIS. How to use present data and simulate urban growth to future. How to
validate predicted results. How to Modify image Matrix to get desire results.
This method use, MLP and Machine learning based method. No single line code
required. Only requirement is you must have well classified two satellite image
with accuracy more than 80%, Rest of things covered in this course. It’s so much easy then you think you just
need Terrset and ArcGIS.
Duration 4hr 4min
Did you know while learning these courses, you never feel
bored, you enjoyed typical task, nothing needs to remember? Or No need to
explore Google to complete Project tasks. While learning you will note, all
question in brain answered.
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