Groundwater Potential Zones: - In this course you will also learn site suitability analysis to identify anything whichever you like. This Project focus on Groundwater Potential Zones using this Method. This also covers Flood Zones and Drought Zones from Same data. If you have observed data then it also covers to Generate Groundwater fluctuation Maps. You will learn many Advanced task of GIS from Scratch. Like Using Excel Data in ArcGIS, Plotting Maps, Classify various type of Data. Hendeling CDF files etc.
Future Land Use Map Generation (Urban): - It is based on past land use, Factor affecting land use change, Factor like distance from roads, Cities, DEM, Growth pattern Conversion probability of Agriculture to Urban. You will learn to implement this everything to your land use using Machine Learning and CA Markov Method - No Coding required, If you are able to make land use maps then you are able to do this also. Just basic knowledge of GIS is required.
ArcSWAT Watershed Simulation : This course covers complete Simulation of water flow in stream. It use Daily Weather data including, temperature, rainfall, humidity, solar radiation and much more. You can use this for Estimation of Power potentials based on discharge, Watershed management or in Irrigation purpose to estimate incoming water. This course also covers Groundwater recharge. Soil Properties identification and much more.
Land Use Land Cover Classification: Most of you are already enrolled in Land use land cover classification. I always updating this course whenever some new change is happen in GIS. In This course you learn Image Procession from Scratch, This covers image enhancement, Various image classification Methods, Land Use change detection and area calculation from pixels. This course covers pixel level editing to correct bad classification pixel in image, like forest in Hill shade, or Barren land appears like Urban. You can also look on this continuous updating course.
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